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Property Appraiser/Clerk


Job Description

The Tama County Assessor’s Office is accepting applications until March 7th, or until filled, for the full-time position of Property Appraiser/Clerk.  Compensation is commensurate with qualifications.  Applicant must have valid driver’s license, insurance and a motor vehicle. 


The main duty is the physical inspection, listing, and data entry of land, buildings and improvements of both the interior and exterior of all property subject to valuation for property tax purposes.  Job duties also include office work.  Good communication and public relations skills are essential. 


Experience or education in the following areas will be considered favorably:  Appraisal, construction, computers (including Microsoft Office), legal descriptions, government work, math/statistics, agriculture, business, and drafting.

Email completed application and resume to: wray@tamacounty.org

Mail completed application and resume to:  Tama County Assessor, 104 W. State St./P.O. Box 91, Toledo, IA 52342.

Employment Application

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