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Boards & Commissions

The Board of Supervisors is always looking for people interested in serving their community.

The Tama County Board of Supervisors is taking applications for various board and commission appointments in the coming year. Tama County appreciates diversity in these appointments and welcomes all applicants at least 18 years of age. The terms and dates of appointments vary. These are unpaid positions. Some appointments must be balanced on a political party basis.

Boards and Commissions Application

911 Service Board

Dan Anderson
Tama County Board of Supervisors
Daryl Basal
Vining Alternate: Shaye Betz
Jason Bina
Tama Alternate: Brian Hanus
Joe Boll
Toledo Alternate: Kendall Jordan
Matt Deam
Garwin Alternate: Lee Simcox
Dwight Gliem
Grundy Center Alternate: Mark Jungling
Tim Johnson
Reinbeck Alternate: Jamie Eiffler
Jason Kaplan
Belle Plaine Alternate: Cory Mitchell
Dennis Kucera
Alicia Lidtke
Elberon Alternate: Ben Novak
Jeff McFarland
LaPorte City Alternate: Jane Whittlesey
Leif Morris
Chelsea Alternate: Dixie Forcht
Linda Pearson
Clutier Alternate: Dianna Cowen
Trudi Scott
Gladbrook Alternate: Mark Fink
Tyler Sell
Traer Alternate: Shaun Kennedy
Lee Simcox
Meskwaki Nation Alternate: Jeff Bunn
Brian Staker
Montour Alternate: Charlie Bidwell
Phil Summers
Gilman Alternate: Bryan Staker
Billie Van Egmond
Dysart Alternate: Tim Brown
Bob Vokoun
LeGrand Alternate: Jodi Abrahams
Mary Wankowicz
Tama County EMA
Trent Wentzien
Lincoln Alternate: Dale Meyer

Board of Adjustment

Nancy Yuska
Term Ends: 6/30/28
Term Length:
Nikki Novak
Term Ends: 6/30/26
Term Length:
Mike Seda, Chairman
Term Ends: 6/30/25
Term Length:
John Wagner
Term Ends: 6/30/28
Term Length:
Berleen Wobeter,
Term Ends: 6/30/25
Term Length:

Board of Health

Sherry Parks, PA-C, Chairman
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length:
Dr. Polly Hineman, Vice-Chairman
Term Ends: 12/31/24
Term Length:
Sally Custer, Member
Term Ends: 12/31/24
Term Length:
Micki Ferris, Member
Term Ends: 12/31/26
Term Length:
Casey Schmidt, Member
Term Ends: 12/31/25
Term Length:

Board of Health Advisory Board

Melinda Sharff-Eggers, Chairman
Term Ends: 1/1/25
Term Length:
Mike Buchanan, Vice-Chairman
Term Ends: 1/1/27
Term Length:
Becky Heeren
Term Ends: 1/1/25
Term Length:
Mike Marquess
Term Ends: 1/1/25
Term Length:
Bruce McEltree
Term Ends: 1/1/25
Term Length:

Board of Health Finance Committee

John Kavalier, Member-at-Large
Sherry Parks, PA-C
Board of Health
Melinda Sharff-Eggers
Advisory Board

Conservation Board

Jim Allen, Member
Daniell Dunning, Member
Term Ends: 1/7/26
Term Length:
Steve Kenkel, Vice-Chair
Bryan Wacha, Chairman

Emergency Management Commission

Carri Holst, Vice-Chair
City of Traer, Mayor Pro-Temp
Dennis Kucera, Chair
Tama County Sheriff

Essential Services Advisory Council

Todd Banes
Michael Buchanan
Jeremy Cremeans
Ryan Goodenbour, Secretary
Jimmy Hicklin
Dr. Polly Hineman
Greg Johnson
Kern Kemp
Shawn Kennedy
Sharon Knoop
Alicia Lidtke
Sherry Parks
Julie Scadden, Chair
Ken Tanner
Billie Van Egmond, Vice Chair
Kathy Vavroch
Shannon Zoffka

Veterans Affairs Commission

Kevin Eikamp
Darrell Niedermann
Doug Sienknecht

Zoning Commission

As confirmed at the Tama County Board of Supervisor meeting on July 07, 1998 and in order to avail itself of the powers conferred by the State of Iowa Administrative Code 335. The Tama County Board of Supervisors shall appoint a Zoning Commission consisting of 5 eligible electors as defined in Iowa Administrative Code section 39.3, each serving a term of 5 years.

The Commission will convene at the direction of the Board of Supervisors. All changes recommended by the Commission will need to be approved by the Board of Supervisors.

The Commission recommends actions on subdivision plats, amendments to the land use policies and regulations, and rezoning requests to the Board of Supervisors. All meetings of the Zoning Commission are open to the public.

Doug Dvorak, Chairman
Term Ends: 6/30/28
Term Length:
Carol Meyer
Term Ends: 6/30/25
Term Length:
Wade Mitchell, Vice Chair
Term Ends: 6/30/26
Term Length:
Steven Peterson
Term Ends: 6/30/29
Term Length:
Craig Sash
Term Ends: 6/30/27
Term Length:

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