Dust Control
Dust generated by the traffic on gravel roads is a common concern for rural living. The interest of motorists in having a well-maintained road takes priority over the interest of suppressing dust. Tama County allows the placement of dust control on rock roads, but the county does not apply dust control. No dust control will be allowed unless prior approval by the Engineer’s office has been given. If you would like to apply dust control in front of your home, you can either self-apply or contact one of Tama County’s approved vendors. If you are interested in using one of the approved vendors, you may contact the company directly to get information on deadlines, pricing, and to get signed up. The approved vendors are listed below.
Specifically allowed methods include calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and lignosulfonates. Any unauthorized material placed on the road will be removed.
Dust control sections may be bladed through at any time if the condition of the road impedes traffic. Tama County reserves the right to blade through all dust control locations in mid-summer, prior to second application. Tama County also reserves the right to scarify and blade the road thoroughly after October 15th without notice so as to prepare for winter. Preserve your dust control by keeping it properly marked with flags and by filling potholes with rock.
Please refer to the Dust Control Policy on our Permits & Polices page for more information.
Permit for Self-Application of Dust Control - Individuals wishing to apply their own dust control must annually obtain pre-approval from the Tama County Engineer’s Office. To obtain approval, you must provide us with a signed permit, the correct Certificate of Insurance, and a check made payable to “Tama County Engineer” in the amount of $50.00. You may send the permit and payment to the Tama County Engineer’s Office located at 1002 E 5th Street, Tama, IA 52339. No dust control will be allowed unless prior approval has been given. Any unauthorized material placed on the road will be removed. You may also choose to contact one of the approved vendors listed below. Please refer to the Dust Control Policy for more information. Fee $50.
Permit for Vendor Application of Dust Control - Companies wishing to apply dust control for customers in Tama County must annually obtain pre-approval from the Tama County Engineer’s Office. To obtain approval, you must complete the vendor application permit and send all required documents to the Tama County Engineer’s Office located at 1002 E 5th Street, Tama, IA 52339 or by email to cheller@tamacounty.org. No dust control will be allowed unless prior approval has been given. Any unauthorized material placed on the road will be removed. Please refer to the Dust Control Policy for more information. Fee per location $50.
Approved Vendors:
- EnviroTech Services (formerly Jerico Services) – Yellow Flags*
- Calcium Chloride
- 515-961-6207
- Iowa Spot Program Order Form LP 2025
- Central Iowa Dust Control – Red Flags*
- Magnesium Chloride and Lignin Sulfonate (tree sap)
- 641-751-5266
- https://iowadustcontrol.com/
- Victor Oil
- Calcium Chloride
- 319-647-3612
- https://rohrerfertilizer.com/victor/dust-control.php
- Hand Nutrients LLC – Green Flags*
- Lignin Sulfonate (tree sap)
- handnutrientsmgmt@icloud.com
*Flags for EnviroTech Services, Central Iowa Dust Control, or Hand Nutrients LLC can be picked up at our office any time. They are located outside near the front door in the PVC tubes.