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Bird Friendly Community

Did you know that birds eat billions of insects each year, help remove roadkill, and reduce mouse and rat populations? Not only do they help control pests, but they can also help spread seeds and pollinate crops. Aside from their environmental benefits, birds are also beautiful. Bird-watching is a key aspect of tourism across the world, generating billions of dollars in income. Explore these resources to help Tama County be a more bird friendly community!

Bird Friendly Community

Tama County received a Bird Friendly Community designation through Bird Friendly Iowa in January of 2024. Explore Tama County's contributions to birds here. Please email rgenaw@tamacounty.org with any questions.

Support Tama County's Birds

5 Easy Ways to Help Birds in Tama County from Tama County Conservation

Tama County Birdwatching

Tama County Birds checklist from the Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Common Feeder Birds printable poster from Project Feederwatch

Merlin Bird ID App: App that helps you identify birds by sound and sight. You can also save a Life List of birds you have seen and explore birds by region.

Birding for Beginners: Information on birding from the Audobon Society

Bird & Wildlife Rescue 

Find an injured bird? Check here for what to do. If an injured bird is found in Tama County, you may contact Tama County Conservation, Iowa Bird Rehabilitation, or Conservation Officer Brett Reese for assistance.

List of Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitators in Iowa

Iowa Bird Rehabilitation: Volunteer-led rehab center for birds in Des Moines.

Saving Our Avian Resources (SOAR): Raptor center located in Iowa.

Reduce Threats to Birds

Keep Cats Indoors Campaign: How do outdoor cats affect bird populations and what can you do about it?

Improve Backyard Habitat 

How to Make Your Yard Bird Friendly by the Audobon Society

Audobon Society's Native Plants Database: Plant native Iowa plants to make your yard, farm, or land more bird friendly!

Contribute to Citizen Science

Data collected through these citizen science efforts is used in a large number of publications, scientific studies, and government reports. 

Audobon Christmas Bird Count: Contribute to the Audobon Society's efforts to identify and count birds in Iowa. 

Great Backyard Bird Count: Global effort to identify and count birds. Contribute from your own backyard! 

Project Feederwatch: Bird census effort that lasts from November to April each year. 


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